Author: Redeeming Babel

A Campfire Story: Reconnecting in an Era of Division

In this hyper-political age, stories of division and friction abound. Maybe you have one. That relative you muted on social media; the couple who no longer sits in the pew behind you at church; the loved one you pray won’t bring up the latest cable news controversy at dinner; or the coworker who has barely […]

An Open Letter to the Editor of First Things: Correcting the Record

February 9, 2024 Dear Editor, The After Party, a program offered by the non-profit Redeeming Babel, was recently the subject of an article in your publication First Things entitled “Follow The Money To The After Party”. The After Party was asked to comment on the story prior to publication. We responded promptly and fully. A […]

What Tech Experts Need From Pastors

John Kim and James Cham discuss how Christians can shape AI in this critical period of world history.

“God doesn’t bite his fingernails.”

Tim Alberta helps us understand how evangelicalism got hijacked.
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