We need to radically recenter on Jesus.
Christians have lost their way when it comes to the intersection of faith & politics. It’s time to reframe our political identity as we take the lead in healing what’s broken. Jesus’ call is clear: We are to be salt and light in this world. Come be equipped and encouraged as we prepare for the true party to come. We’ve saved a seat for you!

What is The After Party?
The After Party is a collection of resources designed by the non-profit Redeeming Babel to help you move towards better Christian politics. Our video course, book, and worship music were designed for pastors & people who know there's a better way to "do politics." As you engage with our materials, you’ll be equipped & encouraged to do the hard work of engaging across differences, reframe your political identity in light of the Gospel’s promises, and focusing your heart & mind on the “how” of relating to each other before the “what” of political opinions.

The After Party Book
This paradigm shifting book is designed to complement the course. Read it beforehand to discern if the course is a fit for your needs — or read it afterwards to go deeper on a Jesus-centered approach to politics.
Does any of this sound familiar?

Are we just too different to get along?

Why is there so much yelling?

But I thought we were friends...
Why The After Party now?
The Reason Is Clear
David French, an author and columnist at The New York Times, explains the rise in “A National Divorce” rhetoric, partisan animosity, bubble communities, and what this means for today’s Christians.
Help is needed, now
Russell Moore, author and editor-in-chief of Christianity Today’s public theology project, knows that demoralization strategies and self-censuring can have a real effect on our happiness, fulfillment, and purpose.
Truth and Conspiracy
Curtis Chang, an author, consulting professor at Duke Divinity School, and Senior Fellow at Fuller Theological Seminary, explains why unification efforts are failing and why rational explanations are giving way to emotional ones.
What we do
Reframing the Christian political identity
Designed for the exhausted, the hurting, and the faithful, resources from The After Party help shift our political identity away from the "what” of political positions and towards the "how" being centered on Jesus. We start with political conflict in Jesus’ day, explore how we got here, and chart a path forward that redirects our focus away from short-term partisan victory and towards the lasting peace of God, in whom all things hold together.

How versus What
Jesus teaches about the “how” of political engagement more clearly than the “what” of specific parties, policies, or politicians. The Jesus “how” is summarized by the Micah 6:8 triad of humility, mercy, and justice.

The True Us versus Them
“Us versus Them” mentality opposes the “mind of Christ” and camouflages our true spiritual enemy: dark “powers and principalities” that seek to divide humanity.

The After Party
Our deepest fears and hopes will never be answered by the victory of any political party or politician but rather only by the wedding feast of the Lamb, the return of our King Jesus.
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Meet your teachers

David French

Curtis Chang

Russell Moore
Sign up for our newsletter & learn more about how you can move towards better Christian politics, in your life & in your church.
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