Toward better Christian politics
For the exhausted, the hurting, and the faithful, The After Party book helps reframe our political identify away from the “what” of political positions and towards the “how” of being centered on Jesus.
Based on the project created by
Inside the book
It’s time for us to go beyond party politics and—as Christians—believe in the true “party” yet to come.
The After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics helps readers who feel despair about political divisiveness:

Engage with others across political differences

Learn specific steps to reframe political identity outside of partisan divides

Focus on how we relate to one another as Jesus teaches before moving to the what of political topics
This paradigm-shifting book complements The After Party Project–a six-part, video-based, highly interactive curriculum that provides churches, small groups, and individuals with an on-the-ground, biblically based approach to a very complex topic.

The After Party is ideal for:

Republicans, Democrats, and Independents looking for renewed hope and humility for our nation

Congregations, classes, and small groups watching The After Party video series

Pastors who want to encourage their congregants to trade their partisan mindsets for the mind of Christ

Local leaders seeking to counter animosity toward political opponents, susceptibility to lies, and other practices that threaten the common good

Meet the authors

Curtis Chang
Curtis Chang is the founding Executive Director of Redeeming Babel, host of the Good Faith podcast, and author of The Anxiety Opportunity: How Worry Is the Doorway to Your Best Self.

Nancy French
Nancy French is a five-time New York Times bestselling author. As a ghostwriter, she has written for a variety of people, from Sarah Palin to Kim Kardashian. As an investigative journalist, she uncovered sexual and spiritual abuse in America’s largest Christian camp.