Category: Campfire Stories

A Campfire Story: Building an Institution in Your Neighborhood

Almost 25 years ago, Harvard University political scientist Robert Putnam published his groundbreaking book, Bowling Alone, which documented the decline of American civic life since the mid-20th century. Today, Americans see their friends and family less, belong to fewer organizations, and are less likely to know their neighbors. It’s a startling trend that can be […]

A Campfire Story: Reconnecting in an Era of Division

In this hyper-political age, stories of division and friction abound. Maybe you have one. That relative you muted on social media; the couple who no longer sits in the pew behind you at church; the loved one you pray won’t bring up the latest cable news controversy at dinner; or the coworker who has barely […]

A Campfire Story: Anxiety in the Backcountry

This is the first in a series of Campfire Stories from the Good Faith podcast, featuring those in our community who gather around the campfire each week. Below, Bryan shares his story about an expedition into the backcountry that went haywire and the anxiety that ensued. If you find Bryan’s story relatable, be sure to […]
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