Category: Technology

Reclaiming Connection in a Screen-Centric World

In this Good Faith podcast episode, Curtis Chang and Andy Crouch unpack the complex relationship we have with smartphones and the digital world today. Their conversation explores how the initial excitement surrounding technological innovation has shifted into a reality filled with challenges—particularly when it comes to the impact of smartphones on adolescent mental health. The […]

Sacred Connections: Faith, AI, and the Essence of Being Human

As the world seems to be increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence, the question of what it means to be human has never been more pressing. Are we on the brink of a post-human world? What does connection mean to Christians as technology replaces human relationships? AI continues to evolve and permeate every aspect of our […]

A Campfire Story: Reconnecting in an Era of Division

In this hyper-political age, stories of division and friction abound. Maybe you have one. That relative you muted on social media; the couple who no longer sits in the pew behind you at church; the loved one you pray won’t bring up the latest cable news controversy at dinner; or the coworker who has barely […]
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