A Campfire Story: Building an Institution in Your Neighborhood

Almost 25 years ago, Harvard University political scientist Robert Putnam published his groundbreaking book, Bowling Alone, which documented the decline of American civic life since the mid-20th century. Today, Americans see their friends and family less, belong to fewer organizations, and are less likely to know their neighbors. It’s a startling trend that can be […]

Strengthening Support Systems for Pastors

“As the pastor goes, so goes the church.” Research conducted by the Barna Group from 2015 to 2022 paints a troubling picture: satisfaction levels among pastors plummeting from 72% to 52% just over a seven year period. At the same time, there has been a noticeable decline in church attendance and engagement over the past […]

Pursuing Justice in a Broken World

Based in Jesus’ teachings and example of love, compassion, and righteousness, the Christian call to “seek justice” beckons believers to be agents of change – a message that resonates with profound significance in a deeply unjust world. In the pursuit of justice, where do the paths of law and religion converge, and where do they […]

Have you ever thought, ‘My candidate is the one who will finally make things right!’?

Every four years, Americans have grown used to hearing that it’s all on the line. The winner of the next presidential election will either usher in the fall of American democracy or restore and redeem our nation, and it’s all up to you to vote the right way! Of course, such hyperbolic rhetoric is better […]
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