When the culture war lands on your doorstep

While deconstruction sometimes refers to a person’s doubts mounting until they no longer profess to be a Christian, there’s a healthier way to deconstruct that can actually strengthen our faith.

Faith Amidst Division: Identifying Threats in a Polarized World

Biologists say that threat detection is a basic trait of every living, sentient being. However, in a vastly polarized political landscape, it can be difficult to recognize the difference between real and perceived threats. From the far left to far right of the political spectrum, individuals often fall prey to distorted perceptions of danger, magnifying […]

How to watch the Trump vs Biden debate with The After Party

Are you planning to watch the upcoming Trump-Biden debate? I’ve been weighing this question for myself. As the host of a podcast that includes politics in our topic rotation and as the co-author of a book on how to move towards better Christian politics, I suppose that watching the debate should be something of a […]

How Powerful are “the Powers?”

Renowned theologian, scholar, and author NT Wright delves into the intricate dynamics of the powers within our modern institutions, politics, and culture through the lens of the gospel message. Drawing on his experience and studying of both Scripture and contemporary issues, he unpacks how societal structures often reflect deeper spiritual realities, and emphasizes the Biblical […]
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