
Responding to Cancel Culture

My good friend David French had been invited to speak at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church In America (PCA). But when his invitation was announced, the right-wing faction within the PCA — along with forces outside the PCA — generated a mob-like response to have him canceled. It’s tragic when individual Christians cancel […]

Have you ever wondered: What Does the Bible Say About Politics?

The Bible was not written to address the proximate problems of political life; it speaks of another Kingdom. Yet, though we are citizens of Heaven, we still live on this Earth.

A More Interesting Quiz

Good morning! Our April newsletter coincides with exciting news: The After Party book is out today! I co-wrote it with my dear friend Nancy French, and we’re both thrilled that it’s finally available for friends like you who are asking, “Isn’t there a better way for Christians to engage in politics?” Today, I want to […]

A Campfire Story: Reconnecting in an Era of Division

In this hyper-political age, stories of division and friction abound. Maybe you have one. That relative you muted on social media; the couple who no longer sits in the pew behind you at church; the loved one you pray won’t bring up the latest cable news controversy at dinner; or the coworker who has barely […]
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