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How this series works (VIDEO)

How this series works (VIDEO)

Welcome to Redeeming Babel’s series “God’s Purpose for Your Organizational Life”. This series is designed for both individual and small group participants and consists of seven sessions, each with short video segments, discussion topics, prayer and time for individual reflection.


Individuals may go through the series at their own pace. The lessons are designed to be self-guided. For activity-based lessons, there will be specific instructions listed for individuals.


IMPORTANT: To participate, every member of the small group must first enroll in the series here. Your small group leader should have provided you with a group access code. If you do not have this code, please contact your group leader.

Enrollment will give you access to the video teaching, exercises, and participant workbook.

After you enroll, you have the option to electronically use the participant workbook to track your reflections and progress through the course (you can also download and print out the participant workbook).

If your small group is meeting in person, you will watch the video segments together on a common device like a laptop (ideally connected to a larger screen if possible).

If your small group is meeting remotely, you will view the video segments on this site individually on your own computer. This will require having your browser open to this site while also having your video conference application open for the interactive segments. Keep both open simultaneously for easy switching. While watching the videos on this site, you should mute and minimize your video conference application (with Zoom, this keeps it open as a small window while you are on this site). We strongly recommend against having one person play the videos for everyone via Zoom’s screen share function as this leads to highly inconsistent playback experiences.

Each session should take approximately 75-90 minutes in total. We recommend budgeting close to 90 minutes for your entire small group experience to allow time for chatting, announcements, ice-breakers, etc. All activity and discussion times are suggestions, so feel free to move through the lessons at a pace that feels comfortable to you and your group.

Click here for FAQs for Small Group Leaders

For all other issues, email

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