Author: Katherine Carter

Faith Amidst Division: Identifying Threats in a Polarized World

Biologists say that threat detection is a basic trait of every living, sentient being. However, in a vastly polarized political landscape, it can be difficult to recognize the difference between real and perceived threats. From the far left to far right of the political spectrum, individuals often fall prey to distorted perceptions of danger, magnifying […]

How Powerful are “the Powers?”

Renowned theologian, scholar, and author NT Wright delves into the intricate dynamics of the powers within our modern institutions, politics, and culture through the lens of the gospel message. Drawing on his experience and studying of both Scripture and contemporary issues, he unpacks how societal structures often reflect deeper spiritual realities, and emphasizes the Biblical […]

Strengthening Support Systems for Pastors

“As the pastor goes, so goes the church.” Research conducted by the Barna Group from 2015 to 2022 paints a troubling picture: satisfaction levels among pastors plummeting from 72% to 52% just over a seven year period. At the same time, there has been a noticeable decline in church attendance and engagement over the past […]

Pursuing Justice in a Broken World

Based in Jesus’ teachings and example of love, compassion, and righteousness, the Christian call to “seek justice” beckons believers to be agents of change – a message that resonates with profound significance in a deeply unjust world. In the pursuit of justice, where do the paths of law and religion converge, and where do they […]
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