Author: Curtis Chang

The Wisdom of Mortality with Jonathan Tjarks, Revisited After his Death

In March, my Good Faith podcast co-host David and I were honored to share the microphone with Jonathan Tjarks, famed NBA beat writer and podcaster for The Ringer.

It’s about Time

Your “time perspective” determines how you respond to the world around you, changes how you interpret a current event, and affects your motivation on how to respond to the world.

Why Should Christians Care about Criminal Justice?

When you think of “Christians and the law,” you might think of an attorney who focuses on pro-life issues or the First Amendment. Or, more recently, you might think of political activists attempting to overturn the recent 2020 election results. However, our characterizations fundamentally miss (or sometimes completely undermine) the true scope of justice the Bible portrays.

Why is Sending Kids to College So Hard?

You’ve packed your child’s clothes, driven them to college, settled them in their new dorm room, and said a tearful goodbye. Why do we do this? What now? 
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