What’s happening at the border? Part 2

With Michael Debruhl

The wave of immigrants and refugees at the border has filled the news, and will most likely influence the next presidential elections. But what’s really happening there? And how should American Christians make sense of this issue? In the second of two episodes on this topic, Curtis is joined by someone with a unique perspective, Michael Debruhl. Michael is a former agent and executive in the Border Patrol who felt disturbed at the widespread misconceptions on the topic. Upon leaving the agency, he started volunteering at the Sacred Heart Shelter, one of the main church based programs receiving migrants at the border.

Helpful resources on immigration and the border

Accurate information from The National Immigration Forum (a non-partisan effort at sensible and compassionate reform of our national approach to immigration)

What’s happening at the U.S.-Mexico border in 7 charts from The Pew Research Center

What’s behind the influx of migrants crossing the U.S. southern border? from PBS NewsHour

Public database from the US Customs and Border Protection (the main federal agency overseeing the border)

DONATE to the Sacred Heart Shelter (Casa del Sagrado Corazón) – the shelter directed by guest Michael Debruhl

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