The Persecuted Church in China

With Bob Fu

Bob Fu was a student leader during the Tiananmen Square demonstrations in 1989. He later became a “double agent,” meaning he taught Communist Party officials during the day and operated illegal house churches at night.

After he and his wife were imprisoned for “illegal evangelism,” they eventually fled to the United States as religious refugees. Since then, Bob has helped rescue persecuted Christians around the world and has earned the moniker of “the operator of the Chinese Underground Railroad.”

On this week’s Good Faith podcast, guest host Nancy French interviews Bob who explains China’s human rights violations, the importance of religious freedom and rule of law, and how the Western church can pray for their persecuted brothers and sisters in China.


RSVP here for the Washington DC live Good Faith recording on 9/5/23: Curtis will talk with AEI’s Yuval Levin on Institutions and Anxiety. The event will be held in the AEI Auditorium at 1789 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

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Notes on the ministry of Bob Fu

The Chinese Communist Party is rewriting the Bible: Gospel according to Chairman Xi has Jesus turn killer instead of forgiving sin,” by Mike Gallagher, FoxNews.

Donald Trump praises Xi to Tucker Carlson

God’s Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian’s Fight for Freedom by Bob Fu, collaborator Nancy French

The Politics of Inclusive Pluralism: A Proposed Foundation for Religious Freedom in a Post-Communist, Democratic China by Bob Fu

Freedom to Pray – How Good Faith listeners can pray more effectively for their brothers and sisters in China. – ChinaAid exposes human rights abuses and promotes truth, justice and freedom by advocating for religious freedom and the rule of law in China. ChinaAid continues to endeavor for the immediate release of prisoners of conscience, equip human rights defenders and religious and community leaders with religious freedom and rule of law training, rescue and resettle persecuted leaders and their families, encourage families of prisoners of conscience by providing financial assistance, and exposing abuse by featuring unique stories of persecution and injustice on ChinaAid’s website and through social media.

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