The After Party
With David French and Russell Moore
March 25, 2023
In front of a packed house at the National Press Club, Curtis Chang, original Good Faith co-host David French, and editor in chief of Christianity Today Russell Moore introduce the After Party project. The project seeks to heal the currently troubled relationship between Christians and politics. The conversation was hosted by Trinity Forum president Cherie Harder. In this wide ranging discussion, they talk about where we as Christians have gone wrong and how we can reform our political mindset with timeless Biblical truths.
Show Notes:
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Excellent podcast as always. In listening to the discussion of the unwillingness of some in the Evangelical tradition to admit the moral and ethical failings of church leadership, it occurred to me that Evangelicals may not have the benefit (for lack of a better word) of institutionalized confession and reconciliation that orthodox churches and Judaism have. As an Episcopalian, I join my brothers and sisters in a group confession each week before taking Holy Communion. Week beer, I admit, but better than nothing. We also have individual confession (called reconciliation of the penitent), not often used but there for those who need it. At its conclusion, the Priest grants absolution and then asks that the penitent pray for the Priest, “also a sinner.” For what it’s worth, I have found examination of conscience and admission of my sins the most painful cost of attempted discipleship. Thanks for your work on the After Party, which I hope will be a great success. You are doing the Lord’s work.
Hi Joseph, on the AMA, we actually talked about what evangelicals can learn from the more liturgical traditions like Episcopalians!
I don’t have a question. And I can’t join you live as it will be 2am in my time zone. I just wanted to say how much your podcast challenges and encourages me. And I look forward to listening to the recording! Thank you!
Thank you, Lore!
(Q+A Question) I have a question about another kind of “David French-ism”. How do we protect ourselves from adopting the political opinions of other people (especially those who we respect) and just trusting that they are correct without doing the critical thinking ourselves? I was reading Untrustworthy by Bonnie Kristian and saw that David wrote the Foreward and I thought of course I would pick up this book.
Thanks for considering!!!
Got to this too late, but will include the question for consideration for future AMAs, Joshua!
I really enjoy your podcast – thanks so much! I was wondering if you have heard of an organization called Safe Families for Children? When I listened to this podcast, you mentioned that Christian’s need to be caring for mothers from the conception of their child, through to economic empowerment and community building. I’m on the board, and a long time volunteer, with Safe Families for Children NYC. The moms’ who come to us typically have no access to community, and have no one to call if they are feeling overwhelmed, or just need to go to a doctor appointment. We partner with local faith groups to provide them with a community, where they can become (if they want) active members. Our goal is building true friendships, that expand our communities and allow families to stay together. I would love your thoughts on this!
The question I would pose to both of is about the state of higher education. Specifically, how you feel about the options out there for colleges/universities that tend to align with a more biblical worldview, which in many cases would mean having a “conservative” bent? Our third child decided to attend a very small Christian college that has very high academic standards and is also unwavering in its biblical stances. When we toured, my main concern was how closely some in the administration showed streaks of “Trumpi-ness” by using language akin to the messages you see coming from Christian Nationalists. Our two older kids attended public universities and we have seen how them marinating in that environment has caused them to stray from the faith (for now). Sometimes I wonder what is the greater danger: having a child be bombarded in an environment that actively opposes the faith or having them be in an environment that can use the language of the faith and twist the gospel for the purposes of the New Right. Ultimately, God is in control, but it still drives us to our knees to ask for wisdom in this complex age.
Great episode!
Question for ask us anything: What is something in another faith tradition (non-evangelical) that you find interesting or admire? Or something that you think the evangelical tradition can learn from in a positive way?
Great podcast/ commentary! Also would love to know where in Ohio you will be testing the new curriculum–is this something you will be able to share?
We’ll keep you posted – that is still being worked out.