Making Sense of the Housing Crisis

With Jimmy Wright and Michael Hall

Why do we as a society keep building more and more housing for people who already have the most options, all the while we are forcing people who most need housing to scramble amidst shortage? How do we not just understand what is happening, but also make something better? Jimmy Wright and Michael Hall were motivated by their Christian faith to do just that via their business Launch Capital. Listen in to get inspired by their creative and hopeful work.



RSVP here for the Washington DC live Good Faith recording on 9/5/23: Curtis will talk with AEI’s Yuval Levin on Institutions and Anxiety. The event will be held in the AEI Auditorium at 1789 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

Matthew 5:9 Fellowship: Join with other pastors and Christian leaders seeking a way out of our political division.

George Fox University: Check out the offerings of one of the premier Christian universities in the country.

Learn more about Launch Capital and ways to invest in their model

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City and Poverty, by America (both by Matthew Desmond)

Learn about the YIMBY (Yes, In My BackYard) movement

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