Dementia: Living in the Memories of God
With John Swinton
Host Curtis Chang engages in a profound and moving conversation with distinguished professor, pastor, and champion of Christian healthcare, John Swinton. Together, they delve into the theology of dementia care, exploring the spiritual dimensions of how God treasures all of His created beings, regardless of their cognitive abilities. Professor Swinton sheds light on the sacred act of caring for those afflicted with dementia and points listeners to the profound truth that God remembers His people, even when their remembrances of this life and His love wane.
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I am the primary caregiver for my wife, who was diagnosed with frontal temporal dementia in 2014 and is currently on home hospice for the last few months of her life. I have been greatly blessed by John Swinton’s Dementia book, because it addresses the theological issues that are the most troublesome to me as a caregiver – even more challenging than managing care – like the problem of personhood and failing memory (Am “I” still “me” when “I” have forgotten who “I” am? P. 91). The way Mr. Swinton uses the concept of nephesh in Genesis 2 to develop the idea of personhood was a stunning revelation for me, and has really helped me see my wife as a holy creature, regardless of her cognitive state. Thank you Mr. Swinton for your book and your good work!