Author: Katherine Carter

Living Well When Time is Short

When we as Christians are forced to confront the reality of our limited time on earth, whether through our own mortality or the suffering of loved ones, it can be a challenge to find meaning and peace amidst pain and uncertainty. Amy Low, who has faced terminal cancer for five years, offers a profound example […]

Sacred Connections: Faith, AI, and the Essence of Being Human

As the world seems to be increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence, the question of what it means to be human has never been more pressing. Are we on the brink of a post-human world? What does connection mean to Christians as technology replaces human relationships? AI continues to evolve and permeate every aspect of our […]

Embracing the Ordinary

In our fast-paced world, where bigger often feels better, we can easily overlook the quiet, subtle ways God connects with us in the everyday. What if, instead of searching for the grand and the dramatic, we turned our attention to the small, seemingly insignificant moments that fill our lives? In this episode of the Good […]

Compromised Convictions in the Pro-Life Movement

For decades, the Republican Party has garnered significant support from evangelical Christians by positioning itself as the champion of pro-life values. This alignment stems from a shared commitment to opposing abortion and advocating for policies that uphold the sanctity of life, a core tenet of evangelical belief.  However, recent shifts in the Republican party have […]
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