About Redeeming Babel

Curtis Chang founded Redeeming Babel in 2019 to address three underlying theological problems driving the chaos and confusion of our current world. These three problems damage Christians in their interior, institutional, and societal selves:

  • a mistaken spirituality of anxiety (interior)
  • a missing theology of organizations (institutional)
  • a misshapen approach to politics (societal)

Since its inception, Redeeming Babel has woven insights at all three levels and guided Christian engagement with the broader world. For example, in 2021, we founded and spearheaded Christians and the Vaccine, the leading national effort to persuade vaccine hesitant evangelicals. Our efforts addressed the anxiety felt by millions stemming from a distrust in institutions and countered the toxic politicization of a public health solution.

Our theologically rich approach is accessible to all Christians through online courses, short videos, the Good Faith podcast (Curtis Chang with friends), and a blog. Our current initiative, The After Party: Towards Better Christian Politics, equips evangelicals to pursue a biblically faithful approach to politics that offers a hopeful alternative to the polarization currently besetting so many communities.

Meet The Team

Curtis Chang

Executive Director

Curtis Chang bridges the worlds of secular institutions and theology. In the former world, he is the founder and CEO of Consulting Within Reach (CWR), a firm serving nonprofits and government agencies. His consulting work has won an award in social innovation from the Obama White House, and he teaches strategic planning as a faculty member of American University’s School of International Service.

In the Christian world, Curtis has in the past served as a consulting faculty at Duke Divinity School and is a Senior Fellow at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is the author of The After Party: Towards Better Christian Politics (with Nancy French), The Anxiety Opportunity: How Worry Is the Doorway to Your Best Self, and Engaging Unbelief: A Captivating Strategy from Augustine and Aquinas.

Elizabeth Carr

Director of Engagement

Elizabeth serves as Redeeming Babel’s Director of Engagement. A native Michigander (Go Blue!), she began her career in the Commodities division of Goldman Sachs. Since then, she has worked as Director of Development for the New York Road Runners/New York City Marathon and Chief of Staff of Gather Ministries. She has served on numerous boards and currently chairs the boards of A House on Beekman in the Bronx, NY, and Let Me Run in Charlotte, North Carolina. She currently calls North Carolina home and when she’s not working, can be found baking bread, reading, or playing Four Square with her three young children.

DT Slouffman

Director of Content

DT catches good stories and releases them into the world. A ten-time Emmy Award-winning producer, he has led teams at CNN, Sports Illustrated, NBC’s Olympics Group, and TIME. His short documentaries have earned millions of views on digital platforms and seven International Television and Film World Medals. He has spent significant time learning how to use tools from Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy and Fritz Heider’s attribution theory to inform the on-camera interview-based content that he produces. Slouffman holds an MFA in Television and Film Production from Asbury University, where he teaches documentary and storytelling courses. Ordained as a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America, over his morning coffee, he often ponders where our stories fit into God’s work of renewing creation.

Kamrie Rhoads

Assistant Manager of Partnerships & Projects

Kamrie’s passion for the church’s witness in the world brings her to Redeeming Babel. Previously serving in development and marketing roles at Bread for the World and Mission Waco, she is dedicated to connecting others to important work in their communities. Currently calling Colorado home, Kamrie spends most of her free time outside or on the hunt for the best cup of specialty coffee.

Board of Directors

Andrew Ginsberg

Board Chair

Andrew stepped into the Board Chair role in 2024. He is currently President and CEO of Operation Mobilization USA, and has non-profit and for profit experiences, including roles in sales/marketing, strategy, and executive leadership in the diagnostics, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical fields. He has lived and worked in the U.S. and Europe, and has led teams on six continents, and most enjoys solving complex systems, whether in organizational development or statistics.
Andrew graduated from Duke University with degrees in Political Science and Genetics. He also studied at Emmanuel College at Cambridge. His wife Marnie is a reading education thought leader, and they have three daughters.

Katherine Leary Alsdorf

Board Member

Katherine served as founding director of Redeemer’s Center for Faith & Work (CFW) from 2002 to 2012. Since 2013, Katherine has worked with a variety of churches to establish faith and work ministries and led the New City Fellows program in Raleigh, NC for its first two years. She is also adjunct faculty in Regent College’s Masters of Arts program in Leadership, Theology and Society (MALTS). Katherine received her BA from Wittenberg University, her MBA from the University of Virginia, and has taken seminary classes from Regent College. She has served on the boards of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Fellowship of the Performing Arts, the Theology of Work Project, International Arts Movement and the Carver Project. Katherine co-authored Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work.

Ken Miller

Board Member

Kenneth P. Miller is the Don H. and Edessa Rose Professor of State and Local Government at Claremont McKenna College, where he also serves as the Director of the Rose Institute of State and Local Government. Miller has been a visiting scholar at the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University (2011-2012) and the John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies at Southern Methodist University (2017-2018). He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Veritas Forum.

Dakota Pippins

Board Member

Dakota Pippins was born and raised in New York. He studied applied mathematics as an undergraduate, followed by graduate programs in computer science and in theology. Dakota began working with InterVarsity in 1996 and served as Regional Director in the Mid-Atlantic. He is currently Senior Field Director at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. Dakota and his wife, Jennifer Rodriguez Pippins, have two high-energy boys.

Statement of Faith

Redeeming Babel affirms the traditional orthodox understanding of the Christian faith as articulated by the early church in the Apostles’ Creed.

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

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