Prayers for The After Party
As we release songs for The After Party in the coming months,
we'll also release a new prayer each month. Find the first prayer below!That We Might Overcome
Heavenly Father,
We lift our hearts to You, the God of hope who meets us in silence and speaks life into our waiting. Just as the world endured 400 years of silent nights, we too wrestle with anxious prayers and the weight of hopeless fights. Yet, we hold fast to Your promise: mercy is always on its way.
Thank You for eternity stepping into our brokenness, for Your Son identifying with the lowly and suffering. In the humble arrival of Jesus, we find the hope of the world. Let our hearts be filled with praise for Christ, who bore our sin and sorrow and overcame that we might overcome.
God of justice and peace, we rejoice that when Christ arose, the empires of oppression fell and the gates of Hell were torn apart. The arc of history bends toward Your Son, and in Him, all things will be made new. Where two or three gather in His name, eternity is present, glorified in the humble body of Your Church.
So we pray, Lord, that we might live under the banner of Your peace. May we sing with voices united, breaking bread with those we once called enemies, and bearing witness to the reconciling power of Your love. Give us grace to proclaim the triumph of Christ, who overcame the world and calls us to rise with Him.
All praise to Jesus Christ, our Savior and King.
In His holy name, we pray. Amen.
Walk with me
As we journey through this season, we seek Your presence to guide our steps.
In a world that so often pulls us apart, we long for Your unifying Spirit to bring us together. Teach us to walk patiently with one another, embracing humility and gentleness in all that we do. Let us bear each other’s burdens, even when our paths diverge and our perspectives differ.
Lord, help us to lead with kindness, to listen with compassion, and to speak with grace. May we be slow to anger and quick to forgive, choosing reconciliation over division and understanding over judgment. In moments of uncertainty and conflict, fill our hearts with the courage to seek peace and the wisdom to pursue healing conversations.
Where there is hurt, let us be agents of restoration. Where there is fear, let us offer comfort. Where there is misunderstanding, let us sow clarity and
trust. As we move forward, step by step, may we become a reflection of Your love—walking together, even when the way is steep.
May Your presence go before us and among us, binding us in a spirit of unity.
Transform our communities into places of hope and renewal, where every person is valued and every voice is heard.
In the name of Jesus, who calls us to walk this path of love, we pray. Amen.
Bind Us Together
Heavenly Father,
As we enter this fall season, we come before You with hearts yearning for unity, reconciliation, and peace. In a world fraught with division and discord, we ask that Your Spirit move mightily among us. Teach us, Lord, to see one another as You see us—made in Your image, deserving of dignity and love, even when we disagree.
Help us to be peacemakers, as Jesus taught us in the Sermon on the Mount, refraining from anger and instead choosing reconciliation over winning disputes. May we reflect Your grace in our interactions, especially in the heated moments when it is hardest to do so. Let our words and actions be marked by humility and kindness, anchored not in our own wisdom, but in Your eternal truth.
We ask that You heal the wounds of our communities, bridging the gaps that divide us. May our institutions be places of refuge and restoration, where commitment to the common good is strengthened, and where Your love is made manifest.
We trust in Your promise that, in Christ, all things are being made new. Guide us in being agents of that renewal, spreading peace in a world in desperate need of Your healing touch.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
The Lord Will Have His Way
We confess that sometimes we are cynical and tempted to think nothing will ever change, but you are a God that never gives up. Make us willing to walk into hard places.
We confess that we are combative, and our words can be harsh, judgemental, and full of rage, but you are a God who on the cross saw those who betrayed you, and yet, chose to forgive those who knew not what they were doing. Help us to see others as those for whom you died.
We confess that sometimes we are exhausted and tempted to despair, believing you have abandoned us, but you are a God who will hold us close and restore our soul. Make us recipients of your love, so we may give your love to others.
God, we want to live as close to you as possible, we want to dwell in your house, we want to gaze on your beauty.
In these days of trouble, you keep us safe in your dwelling and you hide us in your presence. We are always with you. For Jesus came to lead us into life abundant. In his name we pray, Amen.
The Kingdom of Jesus
Almighty God whose Son, Jesus Christ, taught us that those who seek to save their lives will lose them, but those who lose their lives for His sake will find them, forgive us for ascribing to our political leaders power that belongs to you alone. Anchor our souls to our true hope that enters into the throne of the Prince of Peace, so that if the earth gives way and falls into the sea, we will be strengthened to live as faithful citizens of your Kingdom. In the name of Jesus Christ, who dwells with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever, Amen.

Join the (email) party!
Every month, we send a letter from the voices behind The After Party, full of free resources & practical tips to help you move towards better Christian politics. We also share some of the favorite things we've read, watched, and encountered during the month.