For pastors & people who know there’s a better way

Is there someone in your life you don’t talk to anymore because you don’t see eye to eye when it comes to politics? Do you remember your last Thanksgiving dinner more for the fight that erupted over politics and less for Grandma’s famous mashed potatoes? Our free course can help.

Tell me about the course!

Curious about the specifics of The After Party? We invite you to learn more about each session or preview the course. A bonus? We’ve designed the course to be easy to implement.

Minimal prep for leaders

Expect just 10 minutes of work before each session.

Flexibility to fit your needs

The course can be completed via Zoom or in person, in any location you choose.

Connect and learn with others

The course is free and designed for churches, small groups, and living room gatherings.

How can I participate in The After Party course?

In your church

Pastors and lay leaders are bringing the course to churches around the country. Consider taking your whole church through the course or incorporating into your small group offerings.

In your living room

Have a group of friends or neighbors in mind? Consider gathering in your home for shared learning, rich conversation, and genuine fellowship as you work through the material.

On your own

Busy, not currently part of a church, or just prefer studying alone? You're welcome to experience the course at your own pace, perhaps in conjunction with our new book, The After Party.

Have you ever wondered how you can engage in politics in a way that reflects Jesus?

It’s so tempting to focus on (or even argue about!) what policy, party, or candidate is most Christian. But we’ve got our priorities backwards. The real question for us is “How do I relate to others — including those I might disagree with — so that I better reflect Jesus?” Our free course, created by friends Russell Moore, David French, and Curtis Chang, will help you reorient your heart and mind toward a Christ-centered political identity, in 2024 and beyond.

Meet your instructors

Curtis Chang is the founding Executive Director of Redeeming Babel, host of the Good Faith podcast, and author of The Anxiety Opportunity: How Worry Is the Doorway to Your Best Self.
David French is a columnist at The New York Times and author of Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation.
Russell Moore is Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today, the Director of its Public Theology Project, and author of Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America.

How it works

Our free course will guide you through six videos, interactive sessions, and reflections questions to help you focus less on the "what" of politics — “What policy, party, or candidate is most Christian?” — and more on the "how" of politics so we can ask "How do I relate to others — including those I might disagree with — so that I better reflect Jesus?”

Ready to move towards better Christian politics?

What people are saying

The course teed up some honest and practical discussions about how we can live out Jesus’ way in our city and respond with grace amidst so much negativity. I’ve already recommended it to several people across the political spectrum!

2024 Course Participant

Over the past few years, I’ve come to realize that religion and politics are two areas we need to be able to talk about in our close circles. The course has been a great way to invite friends and family into a learning space.

2024 Course Participant

I have felt so ostracized from people at my church since 2016. I am afraid to interact with people because I was aggressively and unexpectedly attacked after the election in 2016. The After Party has helped me to think through how to express my opinions and interact with people who disagree with me

2024 Course Participant

Like many, I’ve felt politically homeless since 2016. The After Party content has helped to affirm my commitment to pursue a different kind of political engagement in the face of immense pressure toward partisanship.

2024 Course Participant
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