- 1-1 The Problem (VIDEO 5:30)
- 1-2 Disappeared Loved Ones (Exercise & Discussion)
- 1-3 The Big Shift (VIDEO 12:00)
- 1-4 What versus How (Discussion)
- 1-5 The Law of Group Polarization (VIDEO 12:30)
- 1-6 Self-Evaluation of Our Communities (Exercise & Discussion)
- 1-7 The Difficulty of Love (VIDEO 8:35)
- 1-8 The Question of Love (Discussion)
- 1-9 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Session 1 – Homework
- 2-1 Hope and Humility (VIDEO 11:30)
- 2-2 Hope and Humility Conversation Starter (Exercise)
- 2-3 Explaining the Quadrant (VIDEO 3:00 & Description)
- 2-4 Quadrant Application (Reflection & Discussion)
- 2-5 Our Need for Humility (VIDEO 10:30)
- 2-6 Your Profile: Strengths, Forgiveness, and Humility (Discussion)
- 2-7 Our Need for Hope (VIDEO 11:40)
- 2-8 Walking Towards Hope (Discussion)
- 2-9 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Session 2 – Homework
- 3-1 What is the Partisan Mind? (VIDEO 16:10)
- 3-2 Understanding the Partisan Mind (Discussion)
- 3-3 What is the Mind of Christ? (VIDEO 11:15)
- 3-4 Developing Humility (Discussion)
- 3-5 Fighting for the Kingdom of God (VIDEO 11:00)
- 3-6 Working for Peace and Reconciliation (Discussion)
- 3-7 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Session 3 – Homework
- 4-1 How Did the Church Exhaust Itself? (VIDEO 15:10)
- 4-2 Naming and Examining Your Exhaustion (Exercise & Discussion)
- 4-3 An Unlikely Friendship (VIDEO 11:50)
- 4-4 Relationships and Social Media (Discussion)
- 4-5 Everyone Faces a Hard Battle (VIDEO 5:00)
- 4-6 Taking a Step Toward a Disappeared Loved One (Discussion)
- 4-7 Another Small Step (optional)
- 4-8 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Session 4 – Homework
- 5-1 Introduction to the Cynic (VIDEO 12:40)
- 5-2 Understanding the Cynic (Discussion)
- 5-3 Pursuing Justice as the Antidote to Cynicism (VIDEO 14:10)
- 5-4 Reflecting on Past and Present Injustices (Discussion & Exercise)
- 5-5 How We Pursue Justice (VIDEO 12:15)
- 5-6 Acting Justly (Discussion)
- 5-7 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Session 5 – Homework
- 6-1 The Wedding Feast of the Lamb (VIDEO 20:00)
- 6-2 An Invitation to Jesus-Centered Politics (Discussion)
- 6-3 The Kingdom of God (VIDEO 7:25)
- 6-4 The After Party of Jesus (Discussion)
- 6-5 Signposts on the Way to Becoming a Disciple (VIDEO 6:15)
- 6-6 Closing Reflection and Discussion
- 6-7 Closing (VIDEO 3:00)
- 6-8 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Get a free copy of The After Party book
1-9 Close in Prayer (10 min)
Closing Prayer
Set a timer for 2 minutes. Pray or reflect on the session in silence.
(to begin, the leader will pick one of the below scriptures to read out loud)
- Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Phillipians 1:2
- So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. Ephesians 2:19
- For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite.” Isaiah 57:15
(say out loud together)
Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved you with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ,
have mercy on us and forgive us;
that we may delight in your will,
and walk in your ways,
to the glory of your Name. Amen.
The After Party Prayer
How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity. Psalm 133:1
Lord, we are grieved.
Our families, churches, communities, and nation
are bitterly divided.
Suspicion, fear, and discomfort over our differences
have driven us far from our neighbors,
our brothers and sisters in Christ,
our loved ones.
[In silence or out loud, name the divisions placed on your heart, whether individual relationships, churches or organizations within your community, groups of people portrayed at the national level, or global conflicts.]
With Christ,
we mourn the wounds of our disunity.
We pray now for healing
for the pain caused by our words and past regrets,
the restoration of broken relationships,
and courage to take steps towards those who are different from us.
Help us to joyfully remember
we are invited guests to an eternal feast.
We are partakers here, and not yet,
commissioned to send out invitations to the wedding banquet
to those who are similar and dissimilar,
near and far,
friends and enemies.
We thank you, heavenly Father, that you sent your Son Jesus Christ to
teach us the way of grace, mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation,
and above all else, love.
Strengthen our hope and humility and
send to us opportunities this week
to be lights of unity in a divided and broken world.
Close by sharing prayer requests and praying for the upcoming week.