- 1-1 The Problem (VIDEO 5:30)
- 1-2 Disappeared Loved Ones (Exercise & Discussion)
- 1-3 The Big Shift (VIDEO 12:00)
- 1-4 What versus How (Discussion)
- 1-5 The Law of Group Polarization (VIDEO 12:30)
- 1-6 Self-Evaluation of Our Communities (Exercise & Discussion)
- 1-7 The Difficulty of Love (VIDEO 8:35)
- 1-8 The Question of Love (Discussion)
- 1-9 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Session 1 – Homework
- 2-1 Hope and Humility (VIDEO 11:30)
- 2-2 Hope and Humility Conversation Starter (Exercise)
- 2-3 Explaining the Quadrant (VIDEO 3:00 & Description)
- 2-4 Quadrant Application (Reflection & Discussion)
- 2-5 Our Need for Humility (VIDEO 10:30)
- 2-6 Your Profile: Strengths, Forgiveness, and Humility (Discussion)
- 2-7 Our Need for Hope (VIDEO 11:40)
- 2-8 Walking Towards Hope (Discussion)
- 2-9 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Session 2 – Homework
- 3-1 What is the Partisan Mind? (VIDEO 16:10)
- 3-2 Understanding the Partisan Mind (Discussion)
- 3-3 What is the Mind of Christ? (VIDEO 11:15)
- 3-4 Developing Humility (Discussion)
- 3-5 Fighting for the Kingdom of God (VIDEO 11:00)
- 3-6 Working for Peace and Reconciliation (Discussion)
- 3-7 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Session 3 – Homework
- 4-1 How Did the Church Exhaust Itself? (VIDEO 15:10)
- 4-2 Naming and Examining Your Exhaustion (Exercise & Discussion)
- 4-3 An Unlikely Friendship (VIDEO 11:50)
- 4-4 Relationships and Social Media (Discussion)
- 4-5 Everyone Faces a Hard Battle (VIDEO 5:00)
- 4-6 Taking a Step Toward a Disappeared Loved One (Discussion)
- 4-7 Another Small Step (optional)
- 4-8 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Session 4 – Homework
- 5-1 Introduction to the Cynic (VIDEO 12:40)
- 5-2 Understanding the Cynic (Discussion)
- 5-3 Pursuing Justice as the Antidote to Cynicism (VIDEO 14:10)
- 5-4 Reflecting on Past and Present Injustices (Discussion & Exercise)
- 5-5 How We Pursue Justice (VIDEO 12:15)
- 5-6 Acting Justly (Discussion)
- 5-7 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Session 5 – Homework
- 6-1 The Wedding Feast of the Lamb (VIDEO 20:00)
- 6-2 An Invitation to Jesus-Centered Politics (Discussion)
- 6-3 The Kingdom of God (VIDEO 7:25)
- 6-4 The After Party of Jesus (Discussion)
- 6-5 Signposts on the Way to Becoming a Disciple (VIDEO 6:15)
- 6-6 Closing Reflection and Discussion
- 6-7 Closing (VIDEO 3:00)
- 6-8 Close in Prayer (10 min)
- Thank You for Joining The After Party! We’d Love to Hear from You.
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