2-1 Self-Reflection Questions & Exercises
Self-Reflection Questions & Exercises
Throughout Part 2, you will be asked to focus on a particular organization that you are involved with. Bring to mind an institution you might one day work for, or think about a place you have worked or volunteered at in the past.
Here are a few examples:
- Your college/university
- A full-time or part-time job or internship
- A club, sports team, or other extra-curricular organization
For each statement below, indicate how much you agree with that statement by selecting the number in the dropdown menu next to each question. Use the following numbering system:
1= Totally Disagree
10=Totally Agree
Review your score below the questions.
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Below, indicate where you feel you currently are by selecting one of the stages.
Then, write your name on a sticky note and place it on the flip chart indicating your stage.
Select one:
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